Are you tired of constantly replacing your light bulbs? Look no further than the FEIT ELECTRIC INTELLIBULB LED bulb.


We have tested this innovative product and are excited to share our findings with you. This review will cover the overall performance, energy efficiency, color temperature, dimming capability, compatibility with smart home systems, installation process, cost-effectiveness, user-friendly features, as well as customer reviews and feedback.

Get ready to revolutionize your lighting experience!


  • Feit Electric Intellibulb LED bulb offers remarkable energy-saving benefits and consumes significantly less energy compared to traditional bulbs.
  • The adjustable color temperature allows for customization of the lighting experience, with warm lighting creating a cozy atmosphere and cool lighting providing a bright environment.
  • The Feit Electric Intellibulb LED bulb features dimming control, allowing for customizable brightness levels for different settings and activities.
  • The bulb is compatible with smart home systems, offering voice and app control for convenient operation and integration with other smart devices.

Overall Performance

Overall, you’ll be impressed with the performance of the Feit Electric Intellibulb LED bulb. This innovative bulb offers remarkable energy-saving benefits while providing exceptional user satisfaction.


The Intellibulb utilizes advanced LED technology to deliver impressive light output with minimal power consumption. It boasts a high lumen count, ensuring bright illumination in any space. Additionally, the bulb’s long lifespan reduces frequent replacements and saves both money and resources.

Its compatibility with standard sockets makes installation hassle-free, allowing for seamless integration into existing lighting fixtures. The Feit Electric Intellibulb also features adjustable color temperature options, enabling users to customize their lighting experience according to their preferences or specific needs.

Overall, this LED bulb is an excellent choice for those seeking energy efficiency without compromising on performance or user satisfaction.

Energy Efficiency

The Intellibulb LED is impressively energy-efficient, making it a cost-effective choice for your home. With its advanced technology, this bulb consumes significantly less energy compared to traditional incandescent bulbs. This not only reduces your electricity bills but also contributes to energy conservation and sustainable lighting practices.

To better understand the energy efficiency of the Intellibulb LED, let’s take a look at the table below:

Bulb Type Energy Consumption (Watts)
Incandescent 60
CFL 14
Intellibulb LED 8

As you can see, the Intellibulb LED consumes only 8 watts, which is considerably lower than both incandescent and CFL bulbs. This means that by switching to the Intellibulb LED, you can save a significant amount of energy while still enjoying bright and reliable lighting in your home.

Color Temperature

When it comes to lighting, understanding the difference between warm and cool lighting is crucial.

Warm lighting has a lower color temperature, typically around 2700K-3000K, and emits a cozy and relaxing ambiance.


On the other hand, cool lighting has a higher color temperature, usually around 5000K-6500K, and provides a bright and energizing atmosphere.

Adjustable color temperature allows users to customize their lighting experience by changing the color temperature of the light source to suit their needs or preferences.

Warm Vs. Cool Lighting

I’m really torn between the warm and cool lighting options for my home.

Warm lighting has several benefits that make it a popular choice. It creates a cozy and inviting atmosphere, perfect for relaxation and socializing. The soft yellowish glow is reminiscent of candlelight, providing a sense of warmth and comfort. Warm lighting also enhances natural wood tones and earthy colors, adding depth to your interior design.


On the other hand, cool lighting has some drawbacks to consider. While it’s great for tasks that require focus and concentration, such as reading or working at a desk, it can create a harsh and sterile environment in living spaces. The bluish-white light may wash out colors and make rooms feel colder than they actually are.

Ultimately, the decision between warm and cool lighting will depend on your personal preferences and the functionality of each space in your home.

Adjustable Color Temperature

Adjustable color temperature allows us to easily switch between warm and cool lighting options in our home. With this feature, we can customize the ambiance of each room according to our needs and preferences. Here are three benefits of adjustable lighting:

  1. Enhanced Mood: Adjusting the color temperature can create a cozy, inviting atmosphere with warmer tones or a bright, energizing environment with cooler tones. This flexibility helps set the mood for different activities such as relaxing, working, or entertaining.
  2. Improved Productivity: Studies have shown that cool white light promotes alertness and concentration, making it ideal for tasks that require focus and attention to detail. On the other hand, warm white light promotes relaxation and can be beneficial for winding down before bedtime.
  3. Visual Comfort: Adjustable color temperature allows us to reduce eye strain by matching the lighting conditions to our specific needs at any given time. This is especially useful when reading or engaging in activities that require visual precision.

Dimming Capability

You can easily adjust the brightness of the Feit Electric Intellibulb LED bulb to create a cozy or well-lit environment.

This bulb features dimming control, allowing you to customize the brightness levels according to your preference.

With this capability, you can easily transition from a bright and vibrant setting for activities that require ample lighting, such as reading or working, to a softer and more relaxing ambiance for winding down in the evening.

The Feit Electric Intellibulb offers multiple brightness options, giving you the flexibility to choose the perfect level of illumination for any room or occasion.

Whether you need task lighting or mood lighting, this bulb has got you covered with its efficient and adjustable dimming feature.

Compatibility With Smart Home Systems

To integrate the Feit Electric Intellibulb with your smart home system, check its compatibility with popular platforms like Alexa or Google Assistant. The Intellibulb offers a range of integration options to suit your needs.

Here are three key features of its smart home compatibility:

  1. Voice control: With Alexa or Google Assistant, you can easily control the Intellibulb using voice commands, allowing for convenient and hands-free operation.
  2. App control: Through dedicated smartphone apps, you can remotely control and customize the Intellibulb’s settings from anywhere within your Wi-Fi network.
  3. Integration with other devices: The Feit Electric Intellibulb seamlessly integrates with other smart devices in your home, such as sensors or motion detectors, to create a fully automated and interconnected system.

By offering these integration options, the Feit Electric Intellibulb ensures that it can be seamlessly incorporated into any existing smart home setup.

Now let’s explore another important aspect of this bulb – its longevity and durability…

Longevity and Durability

When considering the longevity and durability of a product, it’s important to assess its lifespan and reliability.

We want products that can withstand the test of time and consistently perform without any issues.

Additionally, we value items that are sturdy and long-lasting, as they provide us with peace of mind knowing that our investment will not quickly deteriorate or break down.

Lifespan and Reliability

If you’re looking for an LED bulb that lasts a long time, the Feit Electric Intellibulb is a reliable choice. With its advanced technology and high-quality components, this bulb offers exceptional lifespan and reliability.

Here’s why:

  1. Long Lifespan: The Feit Electric Intellibulb has an impressive average lifespan of 25,000 hours. This means it can last for years without needing replacement, making it a cost-effective option in the long run.
  2. Durability: Designed to withstand frequent use and various environmental conditions, this bulb is highly durable. It can handle vibrations, temperature fluctuations, and humidity without compromising its performance or lifespan.
  3. Product Reliability: Feit Electric is known for producing top-notch lighting solutions with excellent reliability. They have a reputation for delivering consistent quality products that meet the highest industry standards.

Sturdy and Long-Lasting

The Feit Electric Intellibulb is a reliable choice for those in need of a sturdy, long-lasting lighting solution. Its durability and long lifespan make it stand out from other options on the market. This bulb is designed to withstand the test of time, providing longevity benefits that are highly sought after by consumers. With its robust construction and high-quality materials, the Intellibulb offers durability advantages that set it apart. Whether you’re looking for a bulb that can withstand frequent use or one that can handle harsh environments, this product delivers exceptional performance. Its long lifespan ensures that you won’t have to worry about replacing it frequently, saving you both time and money in the long run. The Feit Electric Intellibulb truly shines when it comes to combining reliability with lasting power.

Installation Process

Installing the Feit Electric Intellibulb LED bulb is a quick and easy process. Here are some installation tips to ensure a smooth setup:

  1. Choose the right socket: Make sure the bulb is compatible with your existing socket to avoid any compatibility issues.
  2. Turn off power: Before installation, always turn off the power supply to prevent electrical accidents.
  3. Twist and secure: Simply twist the Intellibulb into place until it fits snugly in the socket. Ensure that it is securely fastened to avoid flickering or loose connections.

If you encounter any issues during installation, refer to this troubleshooting guide:

  • Check for proper voltage: Ensure that your electrical system provides the correct voltage for the Intellibulb.
  • Verify socket compatibility: Double-check if your socket supports LED bulbs and if it’s not damaged or malfunctioning.
  • Contact customer support: If problems persist, reach out to Feit Electric’s customer support for further assistance.


After discussing the installation process of the Feit Electric IntelliBulb LED bulb, let’s now delve into its cost-effectiveness.

One of the primary advantages of this bulb is its potential for long-term cost savings. While the initial price may be higher compared to traditional incandescent bulbs, the energy efficiency and durability of LED technology make it a worthwhile investment.

The Feit Electric IntelliBulb LED bulb consumes significantly less electricity than incandescent bulbs, resulting in lower energy bills over time. Additionally, its extended lifespan eliminates the need for frequent replacements, further reducing maintenance costs. With an average lifespan of 25,000 hours or more, this LED bulb can last up to 25 times longer than traditional alternatives.

Considering these factors together, choosing the Feit Electric IntelliBulb LED bulb proves to be a smart long-term investment that not only contributes to cost savings but also reduces environmental impact through energy conservation.

User-Friendly Features

When it comes to user-friendly features, the Feit Electric IntelliBulb LED bulb offers a range of options that enhance convenience and efficiency.

One key feature is its smart home integration capability, allowing users to control the bulb through compatible devices such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home.

Additionally, remote control options enable users to adjust settings and dimming levels from anywhere in their home using a smartphone or tablet.

Lastly, the energy-saving capabilities of the bulb provide not only cost savings but also an eco-friendly lighting solution for households looking to reduce their carbon footprint.

Smart Home Integration

I’ve found that the Feit Electric Intellibulb LED bulb seamlessly integrates with our smart home devices. Its compatibility with smart home automation systems allows us to control the bulb using voice commands or through a mobile app. Here are three key features of its smart home integration:

  1. Voice Control: With support for popular voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, we can easily turn the Intellibulb on/off, dim the lights, or change colors using simple voice commands.
  2. App Integration: The Feit Electric app enables us to control the bulb remotely from anywhere in the house or even when we’re away. We can create schedules, set timers, and customize lighting scenes according to our preferences.
  3. Compatibility: The Intellibulb works seamlessly with other smart devices in our home automation ecosystem, allowing us to create complex routines and synchronized actions for a truly integrated experience.

Overall, the Feit Electric Intellibulb’s smart home integration enhances convenience and adds another level of functionality to our automated setup.

Remote Control Options

To control the smart bulb remotely, you can use either the mobile app or voice commands through compatible voice assistants.

With wireless connectivity, the Feit Electric IntelliBulb LED Bulb allows for convenient and seamless control from anywhere in your home.

The mobile app provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily adjust the brightness, color temperature, and schedule settings of the bulb. Through the app, you can also create custom lighting scenes and control multiple bulbs simultaneously.

Additionally, the smart bulb is compatible with popular voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. This means that you can simply use your voice to turn on/off or dim the lights without having to reach for your phone or switch.

The combination of wireless connectivity and mobile app control offers a convenient way to manage your lighting preferences with ease.

Energy-Saving Capabilities

The smart bulb’s energy-saving capabilities allow for efficient use of electricity throughout your home. With the advancement of energy-saving technology, smart bulbs like the Feit Electric IntelliBulb LED Bulb can greatly reduce your environmental impact while also providing convenience and cost savings. Here are three key benefits of these energy-efficient bulbs:

  1. Lower energy consumption: Smart bulbs use significantly less energy compared to traditional incandescent bulbs, helping to reduce your electricity bill and conserve resources.
  2. Customizable settings: Many smart bulbs offer adjustable brightness levels and color options, allowing you to personalize the lighting in each room according to your preferences and needs.
  3. Automation features: These intelligent bulbs can be programmed to turn on or off at specific times or in response to certain triggers, such as motion detection or sunset/sunrise schedules. This automation helps optimize energy usage and ensures lights are only on when necessary.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

Check out what other customers are saying about the Feit Electric Intellibulb LED bulb!

We have received overwhelming positive feedback regarding customer satisfaction and product performance. Customers have expressed their delight with the efficiency and long-lasting capabilities of this LED bulb. Many have mentioned how it has significantly reduced their energy consumption, resulting in lower electricity bills.

The Intellibulb’s dimmable feature allows users to adjust the brightness according to their needs, making it a versatile choice for various settings. The bulb’s color temperature is also highly praised, providing a warm and inviting ambiance to any space.

Additionally, customers appreciate the ease of installation and compatibility with existing fixtures. Overall, the Feit Electric Intellibulb LED bulb has proven to be a reliable lighting solution that consistently meets customer expectations in terms of performance and energy efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does the Feit Electric Intellibulb LED Bulb Compare to Other Brands in Terms of Overall Performance?

Compared to other brands, the Feit Electric Intellibulb LED bulb performs well overall. It offers a cost-effective solution with a lifespan that outlasts many competitors.

Does the Feit Electric Intellibulb LED Bulb Save Energy Compared to Traditional Incandescent Bulbs?

The Feit Electric Intellibulb LED Bulb saves energy compared to traditional incandescent bulbs. It is more energy-efficient, consuming less electricity while providing the same level of brightness and performance.

What Is the Color Temperature Range Offered by the Feit Electric Intellibulb LED Bulb?

The color temperature range offered by LED bulbs, such as the Feit Electric Intellibulb, affects the ambiance of a room. By providing different shades of white light, it allows for customization and creates a desired atmosphere.

Can the Feit Electric Intellibulb LED Bulb Be Dimmed to Different Levels of Brightness?

Yes, the FEIT ELECTRIC INTELLIBULB LED bulb can be dimmed to different levels of brightness. Its dimming capabilities allow us to adjust the light intensity according to our preferences and needs.

Yes, the Feit Electric Intellibulb LED Bulb is compatible with popular smart home systems like Amazon Alexa and Google Home. It offers voice control integration for easy operation and convenience.


In conclusion, the Feit Electric IntelliBulb LED bulb has proven to be a top-notch choice for those seeking an energy-efficient and user-friendly lighting solution. Its impressive overall performance, wide range of color temperatures, and compatibility with smart home systems make it a standout option in the market.

Additionally, the dimming capability and easy installation process further enhance its appeal. With positive customer reviews and feedback backing its reliability, this bulb is truly a shining star among its competitors.

So why settle for less when you can illuminate your space with the brilliance of the Feit Electric IntelliBulb?

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